The journey so far...

How to build a true social platform. From sketch to function, from dream to real-life, and everything in between.

We continue to expand

Additional markets and languages

We added additional localizations to our platform. We are now available in 21 languages and we serve many markets, including the Netherlands, US, Canada, Japan, Korea, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Australia, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, Norway, Italy, Argentina, Brazil and many more.

Promote Spoxies

Free and almost free

Whilst finishing the app we took up an addional project. We have not been able to focus much on the app since Oktober 2022. Fortunalty there were just some finishing touches that made the app good enough to put out there. We made the app free and almost free for the comming season. Now we have set a course to introduce Spoxies to the world. We aim to promote it this summer and add extra features.

Spoxies Android app live

The Android app is available since 21-12-22

And there it is, Droid in the Playstore!!

Trending in social apps!

First day in the Appstore

Sure, we need to see things in perspective. We are trending in the Dutch part of the paid social apps. There isn't much competition there, but a success is a success. Cheers to the future! Let's see what happens when we actually start promoting.

Spoxies iOS app live

Today on 02-12-22 (0,1,2 /2,2,2) the iOS app went live.

App in the app store!!! We have put in an AR element for good measure, since that was and is the envisioned direction.

We bootstrap

Doing projects on the side and working extra jobs.

Bootstrapping is demanding and isn't efficient in terms of focus and actual progress. But we power through.